Thursday, January 22, 2009

Truth and Lies

"seperti jaringan labah-labah yg menipu mata manusia"

i can't remember which surah this phrase in Al-Quran,
but it tell the story about Nabi Muhammad being save by a spider.

some of orang bijak pandai, relate the this word with internet.
they define 'jaringan labah-labah' as 'world wide web' and 'menipu mata manusia' as all lies

to all my friends,
either i'm being crazy or being wise,
but just wanna share this thing with ur guys

war between Izrael and Palestin is just another lies of certain people
when i talk about lies in this matter i relate it to consphiracy

yes thousand people die
why suddenly before Obama become the 44th president of United State
this war could end smoothly

kesian orang Palestin jd mangsa keadaan, jahanam lah musuh Islam

to be honest, i don't know what behind this war
some of Islamic leader are been controll by US
and some research prove that even the most wanted man on earth;
Osama bin Laden is being controll by US
all people involve please stop it
make the world be a better place.

I dont know what I melalut kat sini
all of u please take at least 10 minutes and think about it

the end

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow bro..this is
a good way to try
to ponder upon a
lot of things..
thanx 4 reminding